End of May..。
having a trip organise by Infosys...
me... huey yng.. poh chee n ee voon...
going shopping at KL...
wake up at 6.15am.. (same time when me hv to go sch)
wake up... bath.. prepare..
go out from hz at 7am...
reach Infosys at 7.20am
waiting 4 the bus to arrive...
finally 7.45am...
the bus coming....
about 40 ppl in 1 bus...
we having our breakfast at Alor Gajah Melaka..
the weather were so HOT!!!
reach KL at 10 smthg
first destination is Midvelly...

HY&PC play for tis game..
haha...is tat accurate..
well... i duno...
bt i believe tat man can change its fortune...
from bad luck to good luck @ good luck to bad luck...
Later we hv our lunch at there...
龙向传人(Dragon-i Restaurant)
Later we hv our lunch at there...
my lunch~紫菜拉面


4 ppl eat until RM98.90...
we shop at midvelly until 2.30pm...
Our next destination is Time Square Plaza...
sure fun when play on it...

stil zi pai while waiting lift coming...
our dinner done in Sushi King...
about RM83.60
so hungry after walk so long time...
HY,PC,EV bought some clothes n shoes...
wish can go trip again so tat wil not study crazy when study in Pra-U...
OMG.......want join oso...=(
so nice la....haiz...misss dem so so much.....next time come kl met me la...=o
wa...xin fu o u...so enjoy........i sae huy yng...miss her so much....always love her o....hahahahahaha...donno she hv giv me green hat to wear or nt at school.....hahaha...miss u all o^^
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